The fear of speaking in front of a group or a larger public audience is, for many people, a stumbling block in their career. Yet something can be done to deal with this fear and perform with confidence.

Public speaking workshop with life coach Dr Janin

Take part in the Authentic Speaking and Presenting Workshop and find your unique voice: the way to reflect your true self and what you stand for and how to be persuasive and professional.


In this 4-hour workshop you will practice:

  1. Speaking out
  2. Communicating with others
  3. Addressing an audience
Speaking and Presenting Training with Life Coach Dr Janin
Limited numbers at Dr Janin’s Authentic Speaking and Presenting Workshop ensure an exclusive learning experience


What to expect from the workshop:

  • The number of workshop participants is limited
    to ensure immediate, individualised feedback.
  • Your practice sessions will be captured on camera
    to facilitate your self-evaluation and to monitor your progress.
  • Relevant, honest and believable feedback
    will be provided by biographical life coach, Dr Janin.
  • A 4-hour focus on finding and developing your unique style:
    that special way only you have of persuading, inspiring and leading.


What you’ll gain from the workshop:

Gain confidence in your unique style of presentation with life coach Dr Janin

  • Insight into your particular presentation strengths
  • Knowledge on how to leverage those strengths
  • Tools to help you prepare and perform effectively
  • Confidence in your individual style


Still unsure of how you will benefit? Consult with Dr Janin by clicking here: ASK DR JANIN